The Student News Site of Wauconda High School

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Breaking News
  • Oct 5 / Girls Freshman VolleyballWauconda High School - 3-0(sets), North Chicago - 0-3(sets)
  • Oct 5 / Girls JV VolleyballWauconda High School - 2-0(sets), North Chicago - 0-2(sets)
  • Oct 5 / Girls Varsity VolleyballWauconda High School - 2-0(sets), North Chicago - 0-2(sets)
  • Sep 14 / Varsity Boys SoccerWauconda High School - 1, Round Lake - 2
  • Sep 14 / Cross CountryWauconda High School - The Cross Country program continued its season with success at a challenging Veteran's Acres course. The Boys F/S team took home a top 5 finish with a tight pack and smart racing, while the girls were led by a 9th overall Varsity finish by senior Alyssa Vodicka. The team hopes to continue its success out at their home invitational this Saturday!, -
  • Dec 1 / BasketballWauconda High School - 80, Them - 60
  • Oct 2 / FootballWauconda High School - 28, Away - 14
  • Sep 1 / HockeyWauconda High School - 2, Away - 3

Purple Press

Purple Press

Op Ed Senioritis

As High schoolers grow older they get more and more lazy, especially going into senior year. This is a common term called Senioritis that all seniors suffer from. Senioritis is from a lack of motivation or focus among high schoolers when approaching the end of senior year. This is caused by a variety of factors, like burnout from academics and extracurriculars, excitement about upcoming graduation and future plans, or simply a feeling of being “done” with high school. 

It’s crucial that seniors experience this feeling of Senioritis so they can stay focused on their goals and responsibilities, maintaining good grades and continuing to participate in activities can still have an impact on their futures. Finding ways to stay motivated, setting small achievable goals, and searching for support through teachers, counselors, and family can help seniors overcome their unmotivation. Seniors need to prioritize self-care and find balance in their daily routine. Setting aside time for relaxation, exercise, and hobbies can help combat burnout. Just doing small things might make the biggest difference in staying motivated, like breaking tasks down into smaller, more manageable goals. They should be celebrated along the way because it keeps Seniors engaged and is something to look forward to. 

Parents, Teachers, or Loved ones can provide critical support to Seniors going through this hard time by actively listening, encouraging and emotional support.They can even help with tasks or responsibilities to take some stress off of their students. Approach the situation with love and understanding of the situation, since everyone experiences Senioritis at different levels. 

It’s okay to ask for help and take breaks when needed to recharge and relieve the stress of falling behind. Even If it means not doing anything for a short period of time but staying on task when it’s needed. This is a very real problem in many High schoolers’ lives all around the world and it impacts students badly if they don’t keep up with work. It may jeopardize their futures in the long run by not studying for their final tests, doing their homework or even just keeping focused and engaged in school.

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