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Purple Press

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Animal Testing


More than 50 million dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys, rats, horses, and many other more animals are forced to experience painful experiments in the U.S. This causes animals to get extremely sick due to the toxic chemicals or infected diseases. Some are even killed when they are done with the experiment. These experiments can include forcing mice and rats to inhale toxic chemical fumes, force feeding animals the chemicals, or even putting it in their eyes. Even if these products harm the animals, sometimes they are still sold to consumers.


Why is animal testing so cruel? Animal testing does not reach its intended results. Most of the animals used for testing are often getting killed after the experiment, while some are kept and may be re-used in subsequent experiments. These poor animals are put through painful and frequently deadly experiments. A small amount of animals actually do experience a small amount of prolonged pain during the experiment. 


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These vicious people doing the experiments believe that this pain is justified by the size of the problem the experiments are designed to solve. They kill some animals after so that they are able to examine their tissues and organs. There is no accurate amount of how many animals are getting killed every year in these lab experiments. 


Should animal testing be illegal? Yes, animal testing should be illegal. Experimenting on animals isn’t only cruel, but it also is very unnecessary. It is much less likely that the outcomes of animal experiments can be relevant to people because of the strange and stressful conditions of captivity. Some people think we shouldn’t ban animal testing because they think animals are appropriate research subjects because some are similar to humans in ways. But that still is not a good purpose to be harming these animals.



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About the Contributor
Brianna Robles-Garcia
Brianna is a freshman at Wauconda High. She likes hanging around with friends, making new friends, and writing about random subjects. She enjoys writing, being with family, and listening to music. Her favorite artists are Future, PARTYNEXTDOOR, Drake, and Brent Faiyaz.
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