The Overlooked Club

Wauconda High School offers a wide variety of after school activities. Students are able to spend their freetime doing anything from exercising to learning about different cultures. The more popular clubs at the school are so crowded because they involve topics students are passionate about. Students play football because it’s their favorite sport, they join Band because they love music. But there are some clubs that Wauconda offers that are less popular simply because they’re about less popular topics. However, these clubs are just as fun and engaging. One of these clubs is the school’s Book Club. 

“I enjoy Book Club because I always hear something new about a book or get a perspective from a student that I hadn’t thought of before,” Ms. Stott said. Having been involved with the club since the 2013-2014 school year, Ms. Stott has seen the club evolve over the years. “Before, we met during lunch periods, but nowadays, the club meets once a month after school and has between five to ten members attending. We talk about the book, the author, the ending, and discuss the story.” 

During the first Book Club meeting of the year, students discuss what potential genres and stories the club will read. Because the club also participates in Battle of the Books with other local high schools, the book list can be swayed. Members are not required to read the book however, but some questions contain spoilers. So before each discussion, every member shares how far they are in the story and if they are comfortable being spoiled. “I joined the club because I love reading,” said Natalie Robles, a junior. “I wanted to read different genres and meet new people. The community we have is great, and I hope more people join in the future.”  

Ms. Stott has the same hope. “Reading provides a way to help develop empathy,” she said. “I’m impressed with the level of thoughtfulness and understanding WHS Book Club students show towards the characters we read about. I hope that continues.” 

The club doesn’t require members to attend every meeting or to read every book. If you’re interested in joining the club, talk to Ms. Stott and sign up on 8-18.