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  • Oct 5 / Girls Freshman VolleyballWauconda High School - 3-0(sets), North Chicago - 0-3(sets)
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  • Sep 14 / Varsity Boys SoccerWauconda High School - 1, Round Lake - 2
  • Sep 14 / Cross CountryWauconda High School - The Cross Country program continued its season with success at a challenging Veteran's Acres course. The Boys F/S team took home a top 5 finish with a tight pack and smart racing, while the girls were led by a 9th overall Varsity finish by senior Alyssa Vodicka. The team hopes to continue its success out at their home invitational this Saturday!, -
  • Dec 1 / BasketballWauconda High School - 80, Them - 60
  • Oct 2 / FootballWauconda High School - 28, Away - 14
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Purple Press

Have You Taken An Online Fun Quiz? Your Personal Information Might Be Leaked.

How hackers and scammers are gaining your information just from answering fun questions.
Have You Taken An Online Fun Quiz? Your Personal Information Might Be Leaked.

  Have you ever done an online quiz, clicking on a question asking what your dream job is, or what your favorite color is? Seems innocent enough. You get to find out your future, your aesthetic, what your personality is. But what if it isn’t as innocent as the software is placed to be? Turns out that a lot of these online quizzes are a cover up for hackers, or scammers to take personal information. warns online users that “These quizzes are one of the many tools hackers use to steal your personal information without you even realizing it. One of the most significant risks associated with participating in quizzes on social media is the potential loss of privacy.” and “In 2021, more than 95,000 people reported roughly $770 million in losses to fraud taking place on social media platforms in 2021, according to the FTC.” (Cerullo 2) 

  Scammers are defined by the term “Phishing” which is “the fraudulent practice of sending emails or other messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.” (oxford dictionary) Therefore, with pesky scammers and their sneaky tactics, staying safe online and being more aware of the information you give out is crucial. Ways you can do that is looking out for simple things such as typos, suspicious quiz questions, if they ask for a phone number, email, or ask you to sign into an account before starting the quiz. 

  It is important to note that in some cases figuring out if a online quiz is a scam can be difficult, so when a hacker or scammer does get a hold of your information, they, according to, “can use these quizzes to install malware onto users’ devices and access account information. Once they have your data, they can use it to hack your profile, steal your identity and impersonate you to friends and family.” Malware, which is commonly used among said hackers is “any intrusive software developed by cybercriminals (often called hackers) to steal data and damage or destroy computers and computer systems. Examples of common malware include viruses, worms, Trojan viruses, spyware, adware, and ransomware.” (

  In conclusion, next time before tapping on a side ad about what type of person you are, take a closer look at the details of the website and if it is truly reliable and worth your time or safety.

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About the Contributor
Isabella Renguso
Isabella Renguso, is a girl in her freshman year, but she is no normal student. She described herself as “hardworking”, and does her best to get good grades and succeed with obstacles that come her way. Running since 5th grade, she builds a foundation to get to an even higher point. “I think my 5 year old self would be proud of me because I speak up more and went to state for cross country 7th and 8th grade”. Isabella enjoys reading YA romance and horror books, and has three energetic cats. On top of everything she’s a very organized person and a great person to get to know.
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