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Purple Press

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Air Pollution

How are we affecting air quality everyday?

Earth’s air quality isn’t as good as it was in the past, and I think we all know this. Have you ever wondered if you’re the cause of it? Most people would answer something along the lines of ‘No I’m not doing anything that would affect air that much’. But after so many years of people not knowing how much they really affect air, I’ve finally found out what the average human is doing to the air.


Now I’m not saying that the average person causes more air pollution than celebrities. Because to be quite frank they don’t, but most normal people do increase air pollution even if they think they don’t. See an average person 2.3 pounds DAILY in carbon monoxide. Which obviously is a huge amount seeing as this is daily. Making an average person is creating 839.5 pounds of carbon in a year. 


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But what is making this rate so high for an average person? Well I’ve got news it’s not only cars that’s making this so high. While yes, cars are a HUGE part of air pollution it’s not the only thing contributing to this. But another huge contributor is in door air conditioning. Which most people already have in their house. Even with this information it’s important not to just assume that all humans are causing air pollution, or creating the same amount. Even though humans are a huge contributor to pollution. 


Factories have been one of the biggest contributors to air pollution over the years. In 2021 alone there was 765 million metric tons in one year all created from just factories alone. Which is basically 18 large sized moo cows. Which is about 25,200 pounds on average for all 18 of these cows. Which just makes this all the more dangerous. If we decide not to change anything then we risk having air quality go down quickly. 


People in America are very aware of the air quality and the dangers in it. Some people are trying to make a difference and it really shows with the new inventions made. There are countless amounts of new inventions made to help stop, fix, and or reduce air pollution. Some of these inventions include air purification or smog free towers. But the most popular example would probably be the Tesla car. While yes, the Tesla car was made mainly to make money off of the fact people with Tesla’s can’t use normal gas but instead their stations. Nonetheless, it is helping reduce air pollution by not using gas. 


Air pollution is hard to stop and that’s why it’s such a big topic. Because humans are used to being concerned in their own life, most have a hard time taking a step to help air pollution and it’s not just me who is aware about this. But there are ways I’m sure we can solve these problems. For example in helping indoor house pollution, try using air filters. As the EPA says “effective ways to improve your indoor air are to reduce or remove the sources of pollutants” (“Air Cleaners and Air Filters on the Home” 1).. And for factory pollution we can start to switch to smog free air pollution. 

Taking even small steps will be helpful in the long run to soon defeat air pollution as a whole.

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About the Contributor
Abbie Landers
Abbie Landers, Writer and Editor
Meet Abbie, a Freshman who loves drawing, taking pictures, and  She is passionate about the arts. She loves spending time with her friends and family. She has two dogs Milo and Odie. She's learning four languages which are French, ASL, Korean, and German. But she's best at Korean and French. She dreams of  traveling the world and at some point learns Russian. She's in Culinary, Drama Club, and YAB. In her free time she makes storyboards and designs. She hopes that her stories will inspire people to write.
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