Since homecoming, the students of Wauconda High School have had low expectations for their 2023 Spring Fling Dance. Many freshmen were disappointed with their first high school dance.
“The decorations could have been better. You could only eat and dance, there wasn’t much to do,” said Miley Wasilewski, a freshman at WHS. After homecoming, students complained about the lack of activities and food. The dance started around the time families ate dinner, but they only served chips and soda. All there was to do was sit around in the main entrance hallway, the courtyard, and the competition gym. “It was pretty boring,” said Rea Maplesden, a freshman at WHS.
Expectations for the upcoming Spring Fling Dance have been very negative. Miley Wasilewski said, “My expectations are kinda low. I heard people don’t really go because it’s boring.” Hopefully, the Spring Fling will contradict students’ opinions and be better than 2022’s Homecoming Dance.