Grant Spanier
Sour Album
Olivia Rodrigo released her debut album Sour on May 21st, 2021. The album was written by Rodrigo herself and producer Dan Nigro. The album has a variety of genres such as pop music, Bedroom pop, alternative rock, and pop punk. Before releasing the album, She released three singles, “Drivers License”, “Good 4 u”, and “Deja Vu”. “Sour” has 11 tracks and has a running time of 34 minutes and 41 seconds. “Sour” is available on streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and Soundcloud. It is also available to stream on vinyl. Sour has the vibe of a pop rock album with 2000s-era Avril Lavinge punk vibes. It starts with track one ‘Brutal’, where Rodrigo’s song “Stress” talks about being “insecure”, feeling like a “nervous wreck”, and being “heartbroken”. According to songfacts.com, it explains, “Written when she was 17 years old, this grungy rock song finds Olivia Rodrigo expressing her feelings about the brutal world of adolescence.” I like this song and it’s one of my top favorites on the album. Another track that’s punk/alternative rock-like is track 9 “Jealousy, jealousy.” “Jealousy, jealousy” is about the unrealistic standards society has set for young people, most notably young women, particularly on social media. Rodrigo talks about how she sees girls on social media with perfect bodies and a perfect life. Olivia Rodrigos’s hit single, ‘Drivers License’ is about a heartbroken girl who is struggling to watch her ex move on. ‘Drivers License’ is Track 3 and the lead single on ‘Sour’, making the Top 10 of the Billboard 100. The lyrics “And you’re probably with that blonde girl/Who always made me doubt/She’s so much older than me/She’s everything I’m insecure about/Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs/’Cause how could I ever love someone else?’ show how Rodrigo struggles to move on after a breakup. When I first heard this song, I immediately thought it was powerful and heartfelt. It became one of my favorite songs and is a favorite of mine still today. Another popular song that wasn’t a single, but has hit 1 billion streams is “Traitor”. Traitor is a ballad about how Rodrigo feels like she lost control over her relationship, and wonders if her partner loved her at all. She feels betrayed by her ex, who found someone else, 2 weeks after they broke up. Personally, this song was my favorite from the day I first listened to it. One thing that I wish the album had and don’t exactly like is that there isn’t a deluxe version of this. Olivia Rodrigo already has a deluxe version of ‘Sour’ on vinyl, but there aren’t any extra songs. She has some unreleased songs that she’s written like ‘L.O.V.E’ and ‘Gross’ but hasn’t released on any albums. Rodrigo could’ve at least made two or three extra songs if she had a deluxe version with exclusive songs of ‘Sour’. Overall, I recommend downloading this album, and I rate this album 4.5 out of 5 stars for me. You can download ‘Sour’ on streaming platforms or buy it for $13.98 on Amazon. If you’re a fan of pop/punk music style, then this album is perfect for you.